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8.4 Created LaTeX exams

To create normal LaTeX exams, the following command has to be given from the example_normal subdirectory:

manyex -n -f desc-test.

All the exams are included in a single file, in this case exam.tex according to the prefix defined in the test description file (which is also the default). The exams with the answers are written in answer.tex.

Here are the first 30 lines from the file exam.tex:

\mnexerciseheader \mnexercisestartheader

\mnquestionheader \framebox[0.5in]{\phantom{T}}\qquad The first quartile is a measure of spread. 



\mnquestionheader \framebox[0.5in]{\phantom{T}}\qquad If the distribution is skewed to the right, the mean will be always larger than the median. 


\mnquestionheader \framebox[0.5in]{\phantom{T}}\qquad If the mean and the median have the same value then the distribution is unimodal. 


\mnquestionheader \framebox[0.5in]{\phantom{T}}\qquad The coefficient of variation is a summary of the form of the ditribution. 


\mnquestionheader \framebox[0.5in]{\phantom{T}}\qquad The mode is a summary of the form of the distribution. 

COMMENT: “\mnquesitonnumber is not used, it is overriden by the counter defined in the master LaTeX file, master.sty, see above. This is just the beginning of the first exam with the true/false questions.

The first 40 lines of the file with the anwers, in this case answer.tex, are the following:

\mnexerciseheader \mnexercisestartheader

\mnquestionheader \framebox{False}\qquad The first quartile is a measure of spread. 

False, it is a measure of position. With the first and third quartile
we can get a measure of spread, since its diference, the interquartilic
range, shows as the 50\% of the frequencies around the median. 



\mnquestionheader \framebox{True}\qquad If the distribution is skewed to the right, the mean will be always larger than the median. 

True, the mean is sensitive to outliers and will be moved to the right 
by abnormally high values in the distribution (right-skewness). 


\mnquestionheader \framebox{False}\qquad If the mean and the median have the same value then the distribution is unimodal. 

COMMENT: Now the actual answers plus the comments (if defined in the exercise files) are written in the LaTeX output. Answers are included for all four exams, with the same layout as the actual exams plus the answers.

Manyex also creates a file with the keys for the answers, called mn-correct. This is how it looks like in this case:


True/false questions are coded by A:true and B:false. Multiple option questions are coded according to the correct option, and finally shortanswers questions are coded always as “A” with no meaning.

Finally, manyex creates a log with the results of the run in the file mn-logfile. In this case this is the file:

44: base dir set to ../example_base
53: documentclass options set to 12pt,a4paper
58: packages to be used epsf,manyex
61: master latex file to be included master.tex
64: exam(s) file(s) to be created with prefix exam
67: answer(s) file(s) to be created with prefix answer
73: Exercise prefix set to exer
85: seed set to 8726, random number generator initialized
Starting serial number 1
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer5
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer1
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer3
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer2
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer4
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer5
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer4
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer1
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer2
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer3
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_m/exer3
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_m/exer1
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_s/exer2
Starting serial number 2
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer5
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer1
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer3
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer4
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer2
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer3
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer4
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer5
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer1
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer2
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_m/exer1
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_m/exer2
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_s/exer2
Starting serial number 3
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer4
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer3
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer1
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer5
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer2
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer2
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer4
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer3
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer5
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer1
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_m/exer1
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_m/exer3
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_s/exer1
Starting serial number 4
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer2
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer3
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer1
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer4
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_t/exer5
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer2
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer5
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer4
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer3
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_t/exer1
Exercise used ../example_base/1num_m/exer2
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_m/exer2
Exercise used ../example_base/Normal_s/exer1