This is the command to start a question. Questions can have different structures depending on which type of question is being created.
Multiplechoice questions: This are formed by an optional statement (but
it is good to always have one, otherwise the question is just some
options but the reader does not know what he/she has to do, at least it
should state “choose one among the following”), followed by the
options. Options start with a dot (.)
and can span multiple
lines. The correct option has to be put in the first line (this will be
used to format the answers). If this is
not possible because of the logic of the question (for instance if
“None of the above” is the correct one), then the semicollon (;) can
be used. This will tell manyex that this is the correct option, and will
fix this option (it will not be rearranged at random, if it could be
rearranged then it should be put as the first option). If the option has
to be fixed, but it is not the correct one, the collon can be used
(:). This is useful to include a last “catch-all” option (“None of
the above”, for instance).
Example of multiplechoice question question
In the following example all options will be rearranged if the question is used in different exams, except the last one. The correct answer is 1.
question Choose the correct answer . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 : None of the above endquestion
In the next example all the options will be rerrranged across exams, except the last one, which is also the correct one:
question Choose the correct answer . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 : None of the above endquestion
Shortanswer questions: these are questions where students have to give a short written answer. Random rearranging is not as useful as with multiplechoice questions, but some exams may include a couple of these questions. The format is simpler then for multiplechoice questions since there are no options. Only the statement of the question has to be included.
Example of shortanswer question
question State the main properties of the normal distribution endquestion
Truefalse questions: These are questions where the answer has to specify if the statement is true or false [Extend this to allow for a space to justify the answer]. These questions are composed by an optional statement and just one option. If it starts with a dot (.) it is true, and if it starts with a collon (:) it is false (this will be used to format the answers).
Example of truefalse question
question . The normal distribution is symmetric. endquestion